Issue 42
(March 1988) $ only 5.00 postpaid
This issue includes a 12 page article by PK Hannah on the Quad-Cities Area (West Central Illinois) Rock Island, Moline, Davenport and Bettendorf Area covering the CRI&P, CB&Q and CMStP&P (MILW) service of the area. Burlington, Cedar Rapids and Northern Rockford, Rock-Island and St Louis Railroad, Rock Island Peoria Line, Rock Islands Albert Lea Route, Rock Chicago Omaha Mainline are discussed. James Mancuso Article on Transit Timetables. And a brief article on Australian Troop Trains for G.I.'s by Jack McLean on Victorian Railways
Issue 48
(Sept. 1989) $ 8.00 postpaid
Southern Ry. Compendium
An issue entirely devoted to Southern Railway Sytem Public Timetables (1895-1978). The issue includes a listing of all system public timetables know to have been issued between 1895 and 1978.
Issue 68
(1995) $ 8.00 postpaid
Gulf Mobile and Ohio Railroad
An issue entirely devoted to the Gulf Mobile and Ohio Railroad company.
Issue 75
(Fall, 1996) $ 8.00 postpaid
Ozark Airlines
An issue entirely devoted to Ozark Airlines.
Issue 76
(Winter, 1996-7) $ 8.00 postpaid
Burlington Northern
An issue entirely devoted to Burlington Northern Railway. The issue includes a timetable compendium of all public and employee timetables issued by the railroad.
Issue 77
(Spring, 1997) $ 8.00 postpaid
Erie Lackawanna
An issue entirely devoted to Erie Lackawanna Railroad Company. The issue includes a timetable compendium of all know public and employee timetables issued by the railroad.
Issue 82
(Summer 1998 45-pages) $ 8.00 postpaid
The 1998 Fullerton, CA Convention Issue Part II - Air and Bus Schedules
Briefly covers the air and bus aspects of reaching Los Angeles. Los Angeles has been connected with three
major air lines in its early history - TWA, American and Western. Also,
Continental, Air Cal, Hughes Air West, United, Delta, PSA, Bonanza Air Lines,
USAir, Eastern, Piedmont, and Alaska Airlines are covered as to when service was
established to LA. Brief overview of All American bus
Lines, Union Pacific Stages, Santa Fe Trailways and Greyhound lines
Bus service to LA.
Issue 83 (Fall 1998 36-pages) $ 8.00 postpaid The short line Bus
Companies Central Railroad of New Jersey
Timetables of the Hudson Transit
Lines and the short line system. Also included in this issue are a listing
of the various Central Railroad of New Jersey timetable forms and sample
Issue 84 (Winter 1998 40-pages) SOLD OUT Arkansas Short
An overview of timetables from
various Arkansas Short Lines. Some of the lines covered include:
Jonesboro, Lake City and Eastern Railroad, Ashley, Drew & Northern Railway
Company, Fordyce and Princeton Railroad Company, Doniphan, Kensett and Searcy
Railroad Company, Kansas City & Memphis Railway, Fort Smith, Subiaco &
Rock Island Railroad Co, Little Rock & Hot Springs & Western R.R. Co,
St. Louis, Kennett and Southern Rail-Road Co., The Prescott and Northwestern
Railroad Company, Missouri and North Arkansas Railroad, Missouri and Arkansas
Railway Company, Dardanelle & Russellville Railroad Company, Warren &
Ouachita Valley Railway Company, Arkansas Southern Railroad, Little Rock and
Memphis Railroad Co., Fort Smith and Western Railway Co., Midland Valley
Railroad Co., The Louisiana and North West Railroad Co., Arkansas and Missouri
Railroad Co.
Issue 85
(Spring, 1999) $ 8.00 postpaid
Little Rock Convention Issue
A brief survey of transportation to Little Rock Arkansas including rail and air transportation. A brief discussion on Iron Mountain Route from 1876 through the successors Missouri Pacific lines. Choctaw, Oklahoma and Gulf and successors and a brief survey of Air service to Little Rock.
Issue 86 (Summer 1999 49-pages) $ 8.00 postpaid The
An overview of the Chicago
Milwaukee & Puget Sound Railway and later Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul
Railway and Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific West Coast extension and
operation of the Olympian passenger train. Also the effect on the Great
Northern Railway and Northern Pacific Railway when the Milwaukee sped up the
schedule of the Olympian.
Issue 87 (Winter 1999 61-pages) $ 10.00 postpaid Boston and Maine
Railroad Empire Trailways
An overview of Boston and Maine
and a B&M Public Timetable Compendium. An overview a Empire Trailways and
Timetable Compendium.
Issue 88 (Winter 2000 93-pages) $ 10.00 postpaid Seaboard
Coast Line Railroad Compendium.
The Seaboard Coast Line was
formed on July 1, 1967 by the merger of the Atlantic Coast Lines Railroad and
the Seaboard Air Line Railroad. This issue is an overview
and complete compendium of all Employee and Public Timetables issued by
Seaboard Coast Line Railroad. It also discusses all the passenger trains
from ACL and SAL railroads at the time of the merger through to the inception of
Issue 89 (Spring 2000 64-pages) $ 8.00 postpaid Soo Line Passenger Service; The Montaineer
The Mountaineer was the Soo's premier train between the Twin Cities and Vancouver. Norbert Shacklette chronicles its history from 1923 to 1960. Kent Hannah adds additional info on earlier trains on the lonely line to Portal.
Issue 90 (Summer 2000 84-pages) $ 8.00 postpaid Australian Airlines.
Massive review of Australia and New Zealand Air schedules through the years. Companies include Butler, TEAL, Ansett; Murray Valley, MacRobertson Miller MMA, Connair, BOAC.
Issue 91 (Fall 2000 70-pages) $ 10.00 postpaid Employee Timetable
This issue provides a sampling
of employee timetables with maps.
Issue 93 (Spring 2001 99-pages) $ 10.00 postpaid Twin Cities, MN
NAOTC Convention Issue
A survey of Train and Airplane
transportation to the Twin Cities. Starting from St. Paul & Pacific
Railroad timetable issued in 1862 through Northwest Airlines.
Issue 99 (Fall 2002 36-pages) $ 8.00 postpaid South Shore
Phil Fukuda's survey of the South Shore includes rare ETT pages from the predecessor Lake Shore line.
Issue 100 (Winter 2002-03 33-pages) $ 8.00 postpaid
Predecessor and Construction Company Employee Timetables of the Santa
Overview of the employee
timetables of predecessor and construction companies of the Santa Fe.
Including: Eldorado and Santa Fe Railway, Kansas Midland Railroad, Manhattan,
Alma & Burlingame Railway Co., S. C. D. & P. R. R. Branch (Rio Grande
Division), Kansas City, Emporia & Southern Ry. Co., Leavenworth, Northern
& Southern Railway Co., Chicago, Kansas & Western RR Co., Chicago, Santa
Fe & California Ry. Co., Rio Grande & El Paso Railroad Company,
Leavenworth, Topeka & South-Western Railway Co., Santa Fe, Prescott &
Phoenix Railway Co., The Wichita & Western Railway, Silver City and Northern
Railroad Co., The Southern Kansas Ry. Co. of Texas, The Kansas
Southwestern Railway Company, Eastern Railway Company of New Mexico, Oklahoma
Central Railway, Leavenworth & Topeka Railway, The Pecos River Railroad
Company, St. Louis, Rocky Mountain & Pacific Railway Co., Rio Grande, El
Paso & Santa Fe Railroad Company, The Clinton & Oklahoma Western Railway
Co., Buffalo Northwestern Railway Company, and Crosbyton-Southplains Railroad
Issue 102 (Summer 2003 36-pages) $ 8.00 postpaid Australia (Victoria): By Workers Train
From Warrnambool-Dennington Ferry Timetables Reading Company Timetable
Four Decades of varied
timetables of an unusual Victorian Railways suburban service: The
Warrnambool-Dennington Local Train 1919-1957. Also included in this issues
is an article on Ferry Timetables still in operation. And an article on
Reading Company Timetable Forms and sample timetables.
Issue 103 (Fall 2003 48-pages) $ 8.00 postpaid Streamlined
Trains 1939-1940
A look at all Streamlined Trains
in operation during the Fall 1939-Spring 1940. System Map of streamline
trains in operation an schedules.
Issue 104 (Winter 2003-04 40-pages) $ 8.00 postpaid NYC Putnam Division; New York & Long Branch; UP ETTS
History and TTs of the short-lived Putnam Divison, previously the New York & Northern; and the CNJ-PRR joint venture Long Branch . For a change of scene, this issue concludes with a sampling of UP ETTS.
Issue 107
(Fall, 2004 52 pages) $7 .00 postpaid
Southern Ry. Compendium
An issue entirely devoted to Southern Railway Sytem Public Timetables (1895-1978). The issue includes a listing of all system public timetables know to have been issued between 1895 and 1978.
Issue 108
(Winter 2004-5 64 pages) $ 8.00 postpaid
Grand Rapids & Indiana
An issue entirely devoted to the Grand Rapids & Indiana and timetables of the line issued after its acquisition by the Pennsylvania.
Issue 109
(Sept. 1989 64 pages) $ 8.00 postpaid
Springfield, Illinois Railroads
Survey of the wide variety of railroads that have served Springfield over the years. Companies include Chicago & Alton; Illinois Central; Toledo Wabash & Western; Wabash St. Louis & Pacific; Peoria Pekin & Jacksonville; Jacksonville & Southeastern; Chicago Springfield & St. Louis; St. Louis Chicago & St. Paul; Illinois Traction and Illinois Terminal.
Issue 112 (Winter 2005-06 35-pages) $ 8.00 postpaid The Timetables
and Histories of the Anaconda Copper Mining Company Railroads Around Butte,
Montana A brief Timetable Overview of National Trailways Bus
An overview of Timetables and
Histories of the Anaconda Copper Mining Company Railroads Around Butte,
Montana. Included are Montana Union Railway, Butte Anaconda & Pacific
Railway, Butte Electric Railway, Electric Railway & light Department of
Anaconda Copper Mining Co., Anaconda Street Railway. Also includes a
second on references and recommended reading. A Brief Timetable overview
of National Trailways Bus System. A listing of many of the Trailways system
companies is provided.
Issue 113
(Spring 2006 36 pages) $ 8.00 postpaid
Railroads and Bus Lines of Scranton & Wilkes-Barre
A regional issue featuring the Lackawanna; Lehigh Valley; PRR; CNJ; Wilkes Barre & Hazelton; and assorted bus lines of the area.
Issue 115 (Fall 2006 36-pages) $ 8.00 postpaid Michigan Central
Railroad - Chicago's Forgotten Rail Route to the East
The Michigan Central had been
lumped into the New York Central for so long, that many have forgotten its
identity and very important role in the early days of Chicago railroading. An
overview and survey of timetables of Michigan Central Railroad (or its lines
after its lease to NYC) for each decade from 1848 through 1968. .
Issue 116 (Winter 2006-7 64-pages) $ 10.00 postpaid KENTUCKY: Timetables from the first two decades of the 20th Century
Vol. 1: Central and Eastern Kentucky
Big Sandy & Cumberland Railroad ; Big Sandy & Kentucky River Railway; Brooksville Railroad; Carolina, Clinchfield & Ohio Railway; Carrollton & Worthville Railroad; Chesapeake & Ohio Railway Cincinnati Burnside & Cumberland River Railway; Cincinnati, Green River & Nashville Railway; Cincinnati, New Orleans & Texas Pacific Railroad; Covington, Flemingsburg & Ashland Railroad; Cumberland Railroad; Eastern Kentucky Railway; Frankfort & Cincinnati Railway; Kentucky & South Atlantic Railway; Kentucky & Tennessee Railway; Kentucky Highlands Railroad; Kinniconnick & Freestone Railway; Lenox Railroad Lexington & Eastern Railway; Licking River Railroad; Louisville & Atlantic Railway; Louisville & Nashville Railroad; Morehead & North Fork Railroad; Mountain Central Railroad; Norfolk & Western Railroad; Ohio & Kentucky Railway; Owingsville & Olympia Railroad; Rockcastle River Railway Sandy Valley & Elkhorn Railway; Southern Railway System ; Williamson & Pond Creek Railroad
Issue 117
(Spring 2007 44 pages) $ 8.00 postpaid
2007 Aurora Conventon Issue CB&Q; EJ&E; II&M; CM&G; CA&E
Detailed look at railroads serving Aurora, with a focus on the Q but obscure lines as well. Many post card views, maps, ETT excerpts.
Issue 118
(Summer 2007 52 pages) $ 8.00 postpaid
Timetables from the first two decades of the 20th Century
Vol. 2: Western Kentucky
Second part of Charles Bogart's survey of Kentucky lines. All major lines plus Chicago Memphis & Gulf; Kentucky Midland and lots more!
Issue 119 (Fall 2007 64-pages) $ 10.00 postpaid Century of Progress
International Exposition. Chicago, Illinois 1933-1934
An high level overview of
Timetables, Brochures, transportation exhibits and related memorabilia to
the Fair. One or two pages are devoted to each of the exhibits or
transportation to the fair. Some of the lines covered: Chicago Motor
Coach, Chicago Surface Lines, Illinois Central, Chicago Aurora and Elgin
Railroad, Michigan Central, Pennsylvania Railroad, United Air Lines, Pacific
Seaboard Air Lines, Greyhound Lines, The Gray Line, Wings of a Century,
Burlington Route, Zephyr Train record run to the Fair, Milwaukee Road, Baltimore
and Ohio Railroad, Rock Island Line, Chicago & North Western Railway,
Pullman, Union Pacific, Grant Park Railroad, Pal-Waukee Airport, Goodyear
Issue 120 (Winter 2007-08 36-pages) $ 8.00 postpaid The Timetables
and an Overview of Railroads to the Bonanzas. Part 1 Utah and Northern
Railroads covered in this issue:
Bingham & Garfield Railway, Tooele Valley Railway, Deep Creek Railroad,
Nevada Northern Railway, Eureka & Palisade Railroad, Eureka-Nevada
Railway, Nevada Central Railway and Virginia & Truckee Railroad.
Issue 121 (Spring 2008 36-pages) $ 8.00 postpaid Railroads of Grand Junction Convention Issue
Public and Employees timetables of the Grand River Valley Ry.; Uintah Ry.; D&RG; RGW; old and new D&RGW; Rio Grande Jct. Ry.;Colorado Midland RR.
Issue 122
(Summer, 2008 36 pages) $ 8.00 postpaid
Keokuk & Western; NYC Adirondack Division
Interesting story behind a K&W "Chief Keokuk" masterpiece.
Issue 123
(Fall, 2008 36 pages) $ 8.00 postpaid
Lackawanna; Modern British Timetables
Public timetables of the DL&W. Part 1 of a survey of contemporary British issues.
Issue 124
(Winter, 2008 36 pages) $ 8.00 postpaid
The Timetables
and an Overview of Railroads to the Bonanzas. Part 2
Carson & Colorado, Nevada Copper Belt, Tonopah & Goldfield, Las Vegas & Tonopah
Issue 125
(Spring, 2009 36 pages) $ 8.00 postpaid
Railroads to the Bonanzas. Part 3. Modern British Timetables
The Timetables and an Overview of Railroads to the Bonanzas. Part 3. Tonopah & Tidewater; Bullfrog Goldfield. Part 2 of a survey of contemporary British issues.
Issue 126
(Summer, 2009 36 pages) $ 8.00 postpaid
Indianapolis Convention Issue
A survey of many railroads, interurbans, busses and airlines traversing Indiana.
Issue 127
(Fall, 2009 36 pages) $ 8.00 postpaid
Railroads of Canandaigua, NY; New York State Bus Lines
Issue 128
(Winter, 2009-10 36 pages) $ 8.00 postpaid
Mexican Employee Timetable Compendium - Part 1. Divisional Organization and Timetable Compendium of the Ferrocarriles Nacaionales De Mexico or National Railway of Mexico (NdeM). Includes a discussion of the NdeM history from 1908 through the 1990's focusing on the Timetable history. Included in the issue are some NdeM predecessor lines Mexican Central Railway Company Limited and Durango and Monterrey division timetables.
Issue 129
(Spring, 2009 36 pages) $ 8.00 postpaid
Mexican Employee Timetable Compendium - Part 2
Issue 130
(Summer 2010 36 pages) $ 8.00 postpaid
Minneapolis & St. Louis
Survey of the Albert Lea Route and its predecessors.
Issue 131
(Fall, 2010 36 pages) $ 8.00 postpaid
Long Haul Sleeping Car Services
A survey of Sleeping Cars established after World War II that crossed
Chicago, St. Louis and New Orleans to provide Transcontinental service.
Issue 132
(Winter 2010-11 36 pages) $ 8.00 postpaid
Illinos and Missouri Railroads
A survey of the C&EI, M&O, as well as obscure short lines and bus lines that
populated Missouri and Southern Illinois.
Issue 133
(Spring 2011 36 pages) $ 8.00 postpaid
Lines in Illinois, Arkansas and Louisiana
The St. Louis Peoria & Northern, Chicago & Alton and connecting lines.
Also, the railroads in and around Helena, Arkansas
Issue 134
(Summer 2011 36 pages) $ 8.00 postpaid
TDI Timetables
Bill Sosnowki's review of the billions of forms issued by TDI (Transportation
Displays, Inc.), well known in many metro areas. Collected by few, disdained
by many, nevertheless they represent the history of a unique promotional firm.
Issue 135
(Fall 2011 36 pages) $ 8.00 postpaid
The Burlington in the St. Louis area.
Exhaustive study of the Burlington and its connections in the St. Louis
gateway. Unusual maps and excerpts from employee timetables. The best
introduction to employee timetables and their significance.
Issue 136
(Winter 2011-12 36 pages) $ 8.00 postpaid
Indiana Illinois & Iowa RR
The Kankakee Belt and its connections, particularly the Chicago Indiana &
Southern. Surprisingly ornate and rare public timetables from the Chicago
"Belt" railways..
Issue 137
(Fall, 2008 36 pages) $ 8.00 postpaid
The Erie
Survey of Erie issues through its history.